Thursday, May 29, 2014

Moving Forward

On Tuesday, I scheduled my appointment to take the Georgia Assessment for the Certification of Educators. To be a teacher's certification exam, you'd think they could give it more straightforward and less jumbled name- the Georgia Educators' Certification Assessment (or Exam) maybe? I guess then it wouldn't have a cool abbreviation (GACE). I've told a few people that I'm taking the GACE exam in June and they usually mishear it and say something along the lines of the "WHAT EXAM?"

The GACE is all a part of the admissions process for Armstrong Atlantic State University (rumor has it that they're attempting to change their name to Armstrong State University, which would be much easier to say/type). Of course, I guess certification is a part of getting a job in Georgia one day, also. One step at a time though, guys. I've already filled out my admissions application, and I'm steadily working through the rest of the grad school admissions checklist. I still have to apply to Carolina as well. Jeez.

I'm not exactly stoked on taking a certification exam, but it's a necessary evil, I suppose. Luckily, my summer situation will allow maximum study time. The poor, minimally employed bike racer lifestyle is really just an investment in my future career, I swear.

That's not the only exam I have to take in Savannah. I still have to take my tour guides' licensing exam before I can start my new tour job. This, of course, also means studying the 100+ page history of Savannah and memorizing a load of squares. I'm not sure I've ever done this much work just to get a job, but I'm excited to show tourists around my future hometown. Plus, it'll be like leading a field trip... a slightly inebriated field trip of adults.

As of this week, I'm back on the bike too. The beginning of base training is probably my favorite time of the year. Long hours fall away under tires and solo miles are logged. There's a sense of hope and expectation for the coming fall. I'm excited to go into this season full bore and I'm grateful that I have a support structure around me that has allowed me to do this for five years.

I'm Savannah-bound again this weekend. Hanging out with our new friends and laying down roots in a new city. Piling some more stuff into Jen's house and getting a taste of what near-distance is like. If we could turn the heat down, I think this would be the ideal summer.

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